Mother Blessing

A Mother Blessing is an alternative or complement to the more common baby shower. Rather than focusing on gifts for the baby and games, the mother blessing is a ceremony designed to honor and prepare the mother-to-be (first, second or tenth time) for the work of birth and her own rebirth. It acknowledges both the joy and anticipation of birth, and the fear and uncertainty that comes along with this experience. It is an intimate space for the mother and a few close women, the ones she feels she can be truly vulnerable around.

The mother blessing follows a basic structure but can include variations depending on the mother’s preferences. The basic ten-part structure is as follows:

      i.         Gather, circle

     ii.         Make introductions, pour tea

    iii.         Opening words

    iv.         Words of gratitude

     v.         Voicing fears and concerns

    vi.         Words of wisdom and encouragement

  vii.         Set intentions

 viii.         Response

    ix.         Final words

     x.         Feast

The ceremony is usually held in the home of the mother-to-be or that of a dear friend. The mother blessing can be adapted for both religious and non-religious participants. While prayer can form a key element of this ceremony, words of blessing and encouragement can be spoken over the mother-to-be without a spiritual element as well.

Whether or not you choose to birth with me as your doula, contact me about facilitating your mother blessing, and receive the support, love and fortitude you truly deserve to birth your child.




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